Links Related to My Life:

Amazon Wish List - Help the economy... buy me stuff!

Bryn Mawr - A page about Bryn Mawr College, my alma mater.

DeviantArt Gallery - A gallery of my recent artwork. It's updated more frequently than this page, so you might want to look and see if there's anything you haven't seen.

GirlSite - I was an intern here, producing the 'Phenomenal Women' section of the site as well as creating some of the graphics. The site has changed significantly since I wokred on it, but you still might want to take a look.

Marlborough School - A page about my high school.

Links I Enjoy: - A free resource on the law.

Mad Scientist Network - This page will help you find answers to any science-related question you might have. - A web-based magazine with articles and columns on everything from politics to entertainment.

WebMuseum - A great site dealing in fine art.

Return to my main page.